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Junge Frau mit ihrem Handy neben einem EOS Teammitglied mit Kopfhörern und zwei Frauen, die miteinander sprechen.

Plain language: Improving communication with consumers

3 min.
Plain language helps companies and consumers alike. In this interview, an expert in the field explains why that is so and why it is especially important in the debt collection segment.
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Dirk Lohmann, Head of Legal Department at EOS in Germany

Decision on debt collection costs: BGH rules in favour of EOS

2 min.
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) dismissed the claim brought by the Federal Association of Consumer Organisations against EOS Investment GmbH.
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Zwei Personen finden faire Lösungen für Verbraucher*innen

Fair debt collection: The person behind the debt.

4 min.
The central question in responsible debt collection is: How do we handle defaulting consumers? As EOS demonstrates, there is more than one good answer to this question.
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Faires Inkasso: Ein männlicher Schuldner mittleren Alters in olivfarbener Jacke blickt besorgt aus dem Fenster.

Fair debt collection: The person behind the debt.

4 min.
The central question in responsible debt collection is: How do we handle defaulting consumers? As EOS demonstrates, there is more than one good answer to this question.
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Kollecto+ ist das digitales Inkassosystem von EOS.

Digital debt collection system: The success story of Kollecto+

3 min.
Almost half of EOS national subsidiaries work with Kollecto+. The digital collection system is making great strides and offers customers and consumers alike many benefits.
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ESG: EOS hat eine klare Agenda für umweltbewusstes und soziales Handeln. Expert*innen für Corporate Responsibility sorgen in den Landesgesellschaften für die Umsetzung der Strategie.

ESG experts promoting sustainability at EOS internationally

4 min.
Commitment to strategy: Sustainability is becoming a success factor for financial companies. ESG experts at EOS are driving environmentally conscious and socially responsible action internationally.
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The Board of Directors of the EOS Group

EOS Group: Successful development in the 2023/24 financial year

4 min.
EOS Group achieves strong annual results with an EBITDA of EUR 412.9 million. Revenue in Germany remains stable at the previous year's level.
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Marwin Ramcke, CEO, steht mit blauem Anzug und der rechten Hand in der Hosentasche in einem hellen Raum.

Interview: EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year

7 min.
The EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year: How business has developed in the regions, why sustainability remains a key focus area, and how EOS is optimally prepared for the future.
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Innovationswettbewerb: Das Gewinnerteam stellte eine Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) vor, die eigenständig Callcenter-Anrufe entgegennehmen und abgeben kann.

Innovation contest: When employees shape the future with AI

3 min.
Now for the third time, EOS was calling on its employees to take part in the innovation contest. The goal: promoting international collaboration and enhancing performance.
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Unbesicherte Forderungen: Eine Grafik zeigt zwei Personen, die gemeinsam eine Rechnung betrachten.

Unsecured receivables: How EOS stabilizes companies.

3 min.
Whether they are a bank, energy utility, telecoms or e-commerce firm, EOS helps businesses from a wide range of sectors to reliably plan ahead by purchasing their unsecured receivables.
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Eva Griewel, Frau mit rosa-farbenem Blazer und weißem Shirt steht in einem hellen Raum

Change in the Board of Directors of the EOS Group

2 min.
Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO and Managing Director of EOS Holding GmbH, will leave the company on August 1, 2024 to take on other challenges.
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Porträtfoto von Stephan Ohlmeyer, Mitglied im EOS Board, und Jan Ottenbreit, Head of Division Central Europe.

New EOS region Central Europe: “We’re creating openness to new goals”

3 min.
Better knowledge transfer and greater openness to new business areas are what EOS aims to achieve with the new Central Europe region.
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Vertreter der IFC besuchten EOS in Hamburg, um die Zusammenarbeit auf dem polnischen Markt zu feiern und das Engagement für nachhaltige Investitionen zu bekräftigen.

ESG criteria: EOS and IFC pursue sustainable portfolio acquisition

3 min.
In Poland and southeastern Europe, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and EOS apply strict ESG criteria covering social and environmental aspects when buying NPL portfolios.
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Illustration mit einer Frau die vorm Computer sitzt und einen Roboter anguckt.

RPA: Improving quality with software robots at EOS

2 min.
“Programmed revolution”: The EOS Group is optimizing its digital receivables management with robotic process automation, freeing up staff for more complex and creative tasks.
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Der Cybersicherheitsexperte Janusch Skubatz, Chief Information Security Officer der EOS Gruppe, mit braunem Haar und weißem Hemd

Not sure about generative AI? The balance between innovation and risk.

4 min.
Generative AI offers companies enormous potential. The Otto Group reduces these risks with its in-house ogGPT tool. The EOS Group also benefits from this.
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Eine Illustration zeigt einen Roboter beziehungsweise Chatbot, der verschiedene Charts und Texte in die Höhe hält, sowie mehrere Mitarbeitende, die an Rechnern arbeiten und dem Chatbot Fragen stellen.

How generative AI is taking over routine tasks in the financial sector

3 min.
Already, generative AI can handle a lot of typical tasks in financial services companies. EOS is testing how chatbots can reduce employee workload even more and improve their efficiency.
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ESG Certificates Copyright @2024 Morningstar Sustainalytics. All rights reserved

EOS Group achieves top position in ESG rating

3 min.
Excellent ESG risk rating validates EOS Group’s sustainability strategy. EOS is among the top two percent in its own segment.
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Eine Studie zeigt: Potentiale von KI in Risk & Finance noch ungenutzt.

Survey reveals: AI potential not being exploited in risk and finance.

2 min.
A survey reveals that generative AI like ChatGPT offers companies potential applications in numerous areas. In the area of risk and finance, it also harbors untapped potential.
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Stephan Ohlmeyer, Member of the EOS Board and responsible for the Central Europe Region

Change in the top management of the EOS Group

4 min.
In the course of its internationalization strategy, EOS is reorganizing its regional responsibilities and creating the new Central European region.
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Ein Foto zeigt ein heruntergekommenes Gebäude im kroatischen Režanci. Ein „Stranded Asset“, das EOS Kroatien dem Markt zurück führt.

Stranded assets: EOS creates solutions for unusable real estate.

2 min.
The number of unusable properties is growing, partly as a result of increasing requirements for sustainability. EOS is developing new areas of expertise to bring stranded assets like these back onto the market.
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Ein Gruppenfoto zeigt die EOS Geschäftsführer (v.l.n.r.) Andreas Kropp (Deutschland), Justus Hecking-Veltman (Finanzen), Marwin Ramcke (Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung), Carsten Tidow (Osteuropa) und Dr. Andreas Witzig (Westeuropa).

2022/23 fiscal year: The Board of the EOS Group takes stock.

4 min.
In this interview, the members of the Board of the EOS Group talk about the positive developments in fiscal 2022/23, employees, diversity, and the responsibility of debt collection companies.
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Cyber Security hat für EOS höchste Priorität. Dafür baut das Unternehmen einen internationalen Schutzschirm auf.

EOS Group relies on cutting-edge technology for data protection.

2 min.
Using cutting-edge technology, EOS protects the data of customers and consumers from attacks by criminals. The new cyber-shield “Iron EOS” makes this an even faster and more efficient process.
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Mitarbeiter*innen fördern. Ein Foto zeigt eine Frau und einen Mann bei einem entspannt wirkenden Gespräch in einer Aufenthaltsfläche – als Symbolbild für eine Unternehmenskultur, in der Mitarbeiter*innen selbstbestimmt handeln.

Empowerment: How EOS attracts and retains employees.

3 min.
Supporting and encouraging people ensures growth: EOS has created numerous programs that enable employees to grow both personally and professionally.
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Ein Porträtfoto zeigt Cristi Musat, Managing Director EOS International BVG und „Kopf“ des Projekts Kollecto+

Debt collection software: More efficiency thanks to standardized system.

2 min.
In the Kollecto+ collection system, all EOS companies pool their knowledge and experience, and in doing so improve the efficiency of the entire Group.
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Ein Foto zeigt Hände, die Figuren von Schüler*innen auf einem Spielfeld bewegen. Darunter steht der Text: Finanzbildung: Wer früh den richtigen Umgang mit Geld erlernt, ist später besser vor Überschuldung geschützt.

Financial literacy: How EOS is committed to improving financial skills.

4 min.
A lack of financial education can accelerate the path to excessive personal debt, especially among young people. With its debt collection expertise, EOS supports financial literacy programs that aim to counter such developments.
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Eine Fotomontage zeigt ein Auto, das auf der rechten Spur einer asphaltierten Straße durch eine grüne, weite Landschaft in Richtung Sonnenuntergang fährt. Auf der entgegenkommenden Spur ist der Asphalt vollständig abgetragen.

International debt collection: EOS handles receivables management globally for Hertz.

3 min.
Cross-border receivables present both logistical and legal challenges. Car rental company Hertz relies on the expertise of EOS for its international debt collection.
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Eine Illustration zeigt einen Mann und eine Frau in Businesskleidung, die einander die Hände schütteln. Im Hintergrund ist eine Weltkugel mit mehreren Ortsmarken zu sehen – und eine stilisierte Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung.

International debt collection: How EOS processes receivables worldwide.

3 min.
EOS is active in 180 countries with its own companies or selected partners. Banks that regularly sell cross-border debts to EOS also profit from this network.
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Consumer Lawsuit: EOS announces appeal to Federal Court of Justice

2 min.
The Hamburg Higher Regional Court has upheld an appeal brought by the Association of Consumer Centres against EOS Investment GmbH. EOS has lodged an appeal.
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Formal-Wear, Suit, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Crowd, Tie, People, Face

Commitment to financial education: EOS receives sustainability award

EOS receives the German Award for Sustainability Projects in recognition of the non-profit finlit foundation. Jury won over by the educational concept for handling money and debt.
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Eine Grafik illustriert die finanzielle Verunsicherung von Frauen angesichts der Krise: Eine Frau mit Taschenrechner schaut auf eine Rechnung und fasst sich besorgt an den Kopf.

Study: Is money still ‘men’s business’?

3 min.
Who saves more, who makes decisions more confidently, and who has greater financial reserves? An EOS study reveals how differently men and women handle financial issues – and suggests possible reasons.
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The EOS Group is a leading technology-based investor in receivables portfolios and an expert in managing outstanding receivables. With over 50 years of experience and locations in more than 20 countries, EOS offers its clients worldwide smart services for receivables management. The focus is on banks and companies in the real estate, telecommunications, energy supply, and e-commerce sectors. Our work is based on a clear Code of Conduct. EOS employs more than 6,000 people and is part of the Otto Group. You can find more about our services in Germany here.

More than 6,000 employees in over 20 countries work for EOS.

Illustration of a world globe.

The EOS Group invested EUR 583.5 million in receivables and real estate in 2023/24.

Illustation shows two men writing a signature on a contract in a business process.

The revenue of the EOS Group for the fiscal year 2023/24 amounts to EUR 997.3 million.

heart, flag, star, necktie, envelope
In December 2023, the EOS Group received an ESG Risk Rating from the renowned rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics. With a score of 9.9 (low risk), EOS ranks among the Top 3 in the "Consumer Finance" sector.

Learn more about our Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy.
A green world flourishes with plants as two individuals promote sustainability - one painting a heart, the other standing on a small ladder, symbolizing care and progress.
Very good results in challenging times: In its 50th anniversary year, the EOS Group looks back on a demanding and successful financial year 2023/24. All key figures, business highlights and exciting throwbacks to 50 years of EOS as well as achievements and highlights of the EOS Group's commitment to its social, societal and environmental responsibility can be found in this year's annual and sustainability report.
Knowing what moves the economy and society: That is our claim for the market and consumer studies of EOS. Our studies, which we produce together with renowned market research institutes, offer exciting facts about customer payment behavior, payment methods, digitalization and the benefits of data.
Illustaration eines Kopfes, der von verschiedenen Menschen mit Wissen gefüllt wird.
Helpful materials for the press: We are happy to provide you with photos of our management team as well as the EOS logo for download.
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Press Contact

Daniel Schenk Senior PR Consultant bei EOS Holding GmbH

Daniel Schenk

Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing Germany

Marc Heuer, Consultant Corporate Communications & Marketing

Marc Heuer

Consultant Corporate Communications German Market

Contact Public Affairs

EOS Group, Kirsten Pedd

Kirsten Pedd

Chief Compliance Officer und Head of Public Affairs