Liquidity not risk.
From time to time, every company comes across customers that don’t pay their bills, despite successful credit checks and payment reminders. By selling your outstanding receivables to us you can ensure immediate liquidity for your company and free up resources for your core business. You minimize your default risk and reduce your receivables management workload.
You would like to sell receivables?
EOS stands for many years of experience and fair purchase prices. Simply make an appointment for a consultation. Our experts will take care of everything else.
Arrange an appointment.
EOS – your specialist for receivables management.
We have more than 50 years of experience in receivables management. We are technology-driven, reliable and transparent. We work with accomplished experts who use cutting-edge data analysis tools to determine the fair value of your overdue invoices. We guarantee strictly professional processing and personalized advice.
Interested? Then please contact us.
If you need help with your receivables management, look no further. Contact us to arrange a personal consultation. Our experts will find the best solution for your company.