
How to protect yourself from fraud and phishing

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First things first!

Fraudsters are constantly developing new methods to obtain your personal data. Identity theft can result in your stolen data being used for online purchases, for example. It is therefore important to always check whether a letter or e-mail really comes from the right sender. Why you received mail from EOS will be explained here:
Why you receive mail from EOS

What is phishing?

Why you need to protect yourself

With the help of phishing, criminals try to obtain personal data such as credit card numbers or access data for online banking. To do this, they use emails or letters that imitate the appearance of companies such as us. We at EOS will never ask you for passwords, online pins or similar. To check a claim or make an online payment, please always use the secure payment function in our service portal. 
Secure payments with our service portal

How to identify a letter from EOS.

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Registered debt collection company

As a registered debt collection company with the Bund deutscher Inkassounternehmen (BDIU), we are legally obliged to provide you with certain information as soon as we contact you. This includes, for example, the name of our client, i.e. your previous contractual partner. In addition, you will find the date of the original invoice or contract on our letter, which you can compare with your documents.
Member list of BDIU
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Play if safe

You are on the safe side if you enter your 11-digit claim number in our service portal and view the details of the claim. You will find the number at the top right of our letter. This will ensure that a letter is legitimate and that you can pay easily and securely online.
Use the service portal

How can I report a scam?

Have you received a suspicious e-mail or mail from EOS?

Nowadays it is difficult to clearly recognize whether it is a genuine letter or a scam. If you receive an error message after entering your 11-digit claim number in our service portal or you are sure for other reasons that it is a phishing attempt, please send a message to our customer service

Please consider carefully: Only contact us if you have reasonable grounds to suspect fraud or a mix-up. If it turns out that our letter is legitimate after all, the delay will only result in unnecessary costs that you will have to pay for. So check very carefully.

The letter is genuine, but you are sure that there has been identity theft? Then please complete the identity theft and mistaken identity check form and send it to us for processing.

Small advice. Big impact.

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Strong passwords

Make sure you never use the same or very similar passwords. In general, use strong passwords that consist of various combinations of lower-case letters and upper-case letters, as well as special characters and numbers. This will keep your online accounts secure.
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Check sender

We send emails from or email addresses and you can write to our mailbox at at any time. If you have any questions, please call us on the phone number at the top right of your letter or use our contact form.
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Secure payment methods

You can pay securely and easily via our service portal. Entering the 11-digit claim number and checking it with our system ensures that a payment using the desired method can be clearly assigned to the claim. It's quick and easy.
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Latest software updates

Regular updates of operating systems or virus scanners are important to ensure that your computer or smartphone has up-to-date technical protection that makes it more difficult for fraudsters to access your personal data.

Watch out: a phishing example

Emails or messages from scammers can look surprisingly genuine. But there are certain features that are relatively easy to unmask.

  • Click on the sender address to see the actual sender, this may be constructed, e.g. E0S with a zero instead of an O 
  • No direct or missing form of address (e.g. Hello Mr./Mrs. Customer)
  • Incorrect spelling and grammar
  • Missing information on sender information 
  • Asking to click on an unspecified link

Information on current phishing campaigns is provided by the consumer advice center with its Phishing-Radar.

Member of BDIU - Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e. V.

More information on what a payment reminder should look like and what you should do in the event of identity theft can also be found on the website of the Bund Deutscher Inkassounternehmen (BDIU), of whom EOS is a member. 

More information on the BDIU