Fiduciary collection – with EOS your receivables are in good hands. - EOS in Germany
Illustation of a woman holding up a coin and a woman standing opposite with a folder.

Fiduciary collection – with EOS your receivables are in good hands.

What is fiduciary collection?

In fiduciary collection you engage a debt collection specialist to recover your receivables without surrendering your beneficial ownership of said receivables. EOS approaches your defaulting clients as your trustee and recovers your debts in your name. Fiduciary collection is therefore distinct from the sale of receivables, where in your capacity as the seller you transfer ownership of the receivables to the buyer.

For more than 50 years, EOS has been acting in a fiduciary capacity to recover outstanding receivables for many customers worldwide. Our customers come from both the B2B and B2C segments and appreciate the customized solutions that EOS offers for fiduciary collection. We provide you with support through the entire debt collection process before, during and after the judicial dunning procedure. 
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Step by step to settlement – our end-to-end process.

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1. Transfer of receivables.

Once your receivables have gone through the standard dunning process without success, they are deemed to be non-performing. To nevertheless recover your money, you engage EOS as your fiduciary for the subsequent collection process. In future you pass on your unpaid invoices to our experts who support you in recovering these debts in Germany or worldwide.
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2. The pre-litigation dunning process.

In the pre-litigation phase our specialists contact your defaulting customers. As sympathetically as possible and as rigorously as necessary, we endeavor to reach them by phone, mail, email or SMS. In special cases our field service personnel make contact locally with defaulters throughout Germany, to work with them to reach a solution for settling their debts.

If during the pre-litigation phase your defaulting customers still do not pay their debts and the legal enforcement and monitoring of the claim would not be cost effective, another specialized company is engaged. This process is known as “second placement”.
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3. The judicial dunning process.

Receivables that could not be collected in the pre-litigation phase are transferred to the judicial debt recovery phase to enforce a title. To recover debts owed by consumers we conduct the judicial dunning process ourselves. In the case of claims in the B2B segment we engage a law firm with which we have a longstanding partnership.
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4. Post-litigation processing.

Immediately after legal enforcement, and depending on the individual situation of the person involved, we initiate seizures and garnishments, taking economic factors into account.
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5. Monitoring of receivables.

If the seizures and garnishments also do not have the required effect, we enter the last phase of collection, the monitoring of receivables. Legally enforceable receivables can be recovered for a period of up to 30 years. We stay in close contact with your defaulting customers and monitor their financial situation. More information on the monitoring process is provided below.

Other services in the collection process

The EOS guaranteed rate combines the benefits of fiduciary collection and receivables purchasing and therefore offers you the best of both worlds:

As with fiduciary collection you still own your receivables. The advantage for you is that you continue to receive information about your customers while EOS handles the processing of the receivables on your behalf. Thanks to their extensive experience of contacting debtors, our experts know how to find a fair solution for both parties. 

As with the sale of receivables, you also get an agreed payout with the EOS guaranteed rate option. This payment will be made within 14 days after transfer of the receivables.
Creditors who do not yet have any experience with debt collection service providers are sometimes reluctant to sell their receivables, even though they would like to finally have them off their books. Our solution is the hybrid model, which is a blend of two services.
As an initial step, we offer to process your receivables as a fiduciary for a limited period, e.g. a year. After we have convinced you of our capabilities as a debt collection service provider, you can then sell us your receivables. 

The advantage of this model for you as a creditor is that you get to know EOS and benefit from payment receipts obtained on a fiduciary basis. In addition, there are no risk premiums attached to the purchase price, as we are already familiar with your receivables portfolio.
Are you accumulating old debts that you have long since given up on recovering? Give us the chance to try once again. Using the second placement model, EOS processes your receivables using specially developed procedures and modes of communication tailored specifically to the respective non-payers. 

The best thing about it is that you have nothing to lose. If we are successful you get your money back less a commission. And if we are not successful there is no charge to your company.

The benefits of fiduciary collection.

Optimized processes and reduction of days outstanding

Fewer write-offs of debts

More time for your core business

Ensuring payment receipt

Links Significant improvement in liquidity planning

Noticeable reduction of bad debts

What happens if your clients file for insolvency?

If defaulting clients have had to file for insolvency, it is worthwhile to bring a specialist on board to represent your interests and assert your claims on an equal footing with the insolvency administrators. What legal hurdles will I face? What rights and obligations do I have as a creditor? Our legal professionals know how to deal with insolvency cases of all kinds in a professional, consistent and efficient manner.
Factsheet Insolvency Processing

We take over the monitoring of your legally enforceable receivables.

Although they are legally enforceable, some of your receivables appear to be unrecoverable. The good news is that even if previous enforcement procedures have been in vain and the debt has long since been written off, there is still a chance for you to recover at least some of your money. We use a systematic process to monitor the financial situation of your defaulting customers, and as soon as the situation allows we can recover the debts, for up to 30 years retroactively. There is no additional cost risk for you.
Factsheet Receivables Monitoring

We believe in personal contact, with defaulting payers and with our customers.

Should you have any questions, we are available to our customers around the clock, either in person or via the EOS portals. This is where you can get an overview of your receivables, conveniently upload documents, and get help with all matters relating to your debt collection process. Our experts are at your service with help and advice.
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If you are interested in our services please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you are looking for an experienced partner in fiduciary collection then look no further. Contact us for a personal consultation. Together we will find the right solution for your company. 
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