

and information in accordance with the Service Information Obligations Ordinance (DL-InfoV) 
EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH

Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 2850 0
Fax: +49 40 2850-1400

Management: Jörg Schweda and Juliane Schmid

Commercial Register HRB 115781 at Hamburg District Court

VAT ID No.: DE 273852134

EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH is a debt collection service provider registered in accordance with §10 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 RDG and entered in the Legal Services Register of the Bundesamt für Justiz.

Supervisory Authority: Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), Department VII 5 (RDG), Adenauerallee 99-103, 53113 Bonn, Email:

Credit Service Institution based on a permit according to § 10 paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the Secondary Credit Market Act (Kreditzweitmarktgesetz).
Registered in the Credit Service Institutions Register by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin ID: 10163227
The supervisory authority is the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn

Member of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Companies e.V.

Property damage liability insurance: HDI Global SE, HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover, Germany (sum insured EUR 2.5 million per insured event; maximum annual compensation EUR 5 million)

Notice according to § 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act: EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings. There is no legal obligation to do so.

Responsible in terms of press law according to § 55 Abs. 2 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag: Daniel Schenk

The EOS websites are expressly intended for all visitors. If the female form is not explicitly mentioned everywhere, this is merely for reasons of readability. We ask all visitors for their understanding.

EOS in Germany companies

Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 2850 0

For EOS clients and potential clients:

Phone: +49 40 2850 1911
Fax: +49 40 2850 1600

Commercial Register number HRB 98183 at Hamburg District Court
VAT-ID number: DE814893804 

Managing Directors: Clemens Hosemann and Stephan Spieckermann

Notice referring to article 36 German ‘Consumer disputes settlement act’: All EOS companies do not participate in alternative consumer disputes settlement procedures.There is no legal duty to do so.

Privacy Policy
EOS Holding GmbH
Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 40 2850 0

Commercial Register number HRB 115781 at Hamburg District Court
VAT-ID number: DE273852134

Managing Directors: Juliane Schmid, Jörg Schweda

Registered debt collection company pursuant to Section 10 Para. 1 Art. 1 of the German Legal Services Act (Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz)
The supervisory authority / regulatory authority is the President of the
Hamburg District Court, Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg
Registered in the Legal Service Register

Member of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Agencies (Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e. V., BDIU)

Authorized credit services institution according to §10 para. 1 sentence 1 of the Secondary Credit Market Act (Kreditzweitmarktgesetz). The supervisory authority is the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany
Registered in the credit services institution register, BaFin-ID: 10163227

Notice referring to article 36 German ‘Consumer disputes settlement act’: All EOS companies do not participate in alternative consumer disputes settlement procedures. There is no legal duty to do so.

Privacy Policy
Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 2859 0
Fax: +49 40 2859 3299

Commercial Register number HRB 61481 at Hamburg District Court
VAT-ID number: DE187223682

Managing Directors:  Daniel Rohwedder and Jörg Schweda

EOS Field Services GmbH is a debt collection service provider registered in accordance with §10 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 RDG and entered in the Legal Services Register of the Bundesamt für Justiz.

Supervisory authority: Bundesamt für Justiz (BfJ), Referat VII 5 (RDG), Adenauerallee 99-103, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail:

Member of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Agencies (Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e. V., BDIU)

Cooperation and information partnerships (KIPS) with the Bundesverband Deutscher Leasing-Unternehmen e. V. (Federal Association of German Leasing Companies)

Notice referring to article 36 German ‘Consumer disputes settlement act’: All EOS companies do not participate in alternative consumer disputes settlement procedures. There is no legal duty to do so.

Certificates under directive DIN EN ISO 9001 (german only): Zertifikat_EOS_Field_Services_GmbH.pdf

Privacy policy
Gottlieb-Daimler-Ring 7–9
74906 Bad Rappenau
Phone: +49 7066 9143 0
Fax: +49 7066 9143 9001

Commercial Register number HRB 106440 at Stuttgart District Court VAT-ID number: DE188341255

Managing Directors: Stephan Spieckermann, Volker Wiehl

Registered debt collection company pursuant to Section 10 Para. 1 Art. 1 of the German Legal Services Act (Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz)
Registered in the Legal Services Register
Registration authority: Landgericht Stuttgart, der Präsident, Urbanstr. 20, 70182 Stuttgart
Supervisory Authority: Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), Department VII 5 (RDG), Adenauerallee 99-103, 53113 Bonn, Email:

Member of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Agencies (Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e. V., BDIU)

General obligation to provide information pursuant to section 36 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)
As a specialist provider of B2B services for credit and receivables management EOS KSI Inkasso Deutschland GmbH does not participate in dispute resolution pursuant to the provisions of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG). EOS KSI Inkasso Deutschland GmbH is not subject to any statutory obligation to do so. 

Data privacy
EOS Immobilienworkout GmbH
Aktienstraße 53
45473 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Phone: +49 208 88255 0
Fax: +49 208 88255 222

Commercial Register number HRB 22798 at Duisburg District Court
Tax number: 27/24/00402
VAT-ID number: DE187487428

Management: Jakob Spitzer und Jörg Schweda

EOS Immobilienworkout GmbH is a debt collection service provider registered in accordance with §10 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 RDG and entered in the Legal Services Register of the Bundesamt für Justiz.

Supervisory authority: Bundesamt für Justiz (BfJ), Referat VII 5 (RDG), Adenauerallee 99-103, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail:

Notice referring to article 36 German ‘Consumer disputes settlement act’: All EOS companies do not participate in alternative consumer disputes settlement procedures. There is no legal duty to do so.

Privacy policy

Legal notices
EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH (EOS DID) appreciates your visit to this website and your interest in our products and services. On some pages, you will be requested to supply personal information. Answering these requests is voluntary. All personal information collected is used solely for your personal consultation, to send you product and service materials or to make you offers and, if required, will be passed on to one of the EOS partners. EOS DID assures you that your information will be handled confidentially in accordance with the data protection regulations in force.

We would like to point out that there is no legal right to the free services we offer. We assume no liability for improper functioning of the system. Furthermore, EOS DID shall not be held liable should it prove impossible to access or adjust any of the services offered by us free of charge.

© 2014 EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their layout on this website are protected by copyright and other forms of protective legislation. The content of these websites, as well as domain names belonging to EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH with the same content may not be copied, processed, changed or converted to machine-readable form or made available to third parties, either in whole or in part, without prior written consent. Some EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH websites contain images that are covered by the copyright of third parties.

As a rule, protected names and trademarks are not indicated as such. However, they should still be regarded and handled as such. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks on our websites are protected by trademark law. This applies in particular to brands, labels, corporate logos and emblems. Should our webpages violate any prevailing copyrights or proprietary rights, please let us know immediately by e-mail (Re: Copyright), to enable us to revise our site as quickly as possible should this be deemed necessary.

No license
The intellectual property as well as the brands and copyrights contained in the EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH websites are protected. This website does not constitute a license to use the intellectual property either of the EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH or third parties.